Dispute Resolution
Our dispute resolution team is one of the most recognised among Hungarian law firms. We regularly advise Hungarian and foreign market participants on matters handled by state courts, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution solutions. We implement sector-specific, innovative strategies to minimise the risks of our clients. We understand that litigations significantly hinder the operation of all parties involved; therefore our goal is to take all possible burdens of the litigation off the shoulders of our clients so that they can concentrate on their business. When advising our clients, we place emphasis on solutions that help to avoid litigations both when drafting agreements and also later when disputes have already emerged. Chambers, Legal500 and IFLR1000 rank our banking and finance department and several of its members.
Litigations relating to investments and financial services
As our banking and capital markets teams are among the most renowned on the market, we regularly represent parties in litigations relating to investments and financial services. We also advise our clients in administrative procedures launched by the Hungarian National Bank. We have vast experiences in litigations relating to investments.
Corporate and commercial litigations
We provide legal support relating to the full spectrum of corporate law. This also covers the representation of our clients in litigations relating to the operation of the companies. By way of example, we represent companies in litigations concerning the exclusion of shareholders or liability of the management. We also represent our clients in commercial litigations relating to their business activities.
Damages claims
We have vast experiences in damages claims both representing the tortfeasor and the injured party. Our experiences also cover cartel damages claims.
Employment litigations
We not only advise our clients on how they can avoid litigations concerning their employees, but together with our employment team, we also represent our clients in these litigations. Our experiences cover the representation of both plaintiffs and defendants is such disputes.
Insurance-related litigations
Having a detailed knowledge of the rules relating to insurance companies, we regularly represent companies in insurance-related litigations representing both insurance companies and the insured entities.
Választottbírósági eljárások
We regularly represent clients in arbitrations. We have vast experiences in financial and capital market-related procedures, but we often represent parties in commercial disputes. We have experiences relating to the Permanent Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as international courts of arbitration. We regularly represent clients at the Hungarian Financial Arbitration Board. Several members of our firm are regularly appointed as arbitrators both at the Permanent Arbitration Court and at ad hoc arbitrations.
Recent mandates
- representing a foreign truck manufacturer in cartel damages claims based on the truck cartel decision of the European Commission;
- representing several Hungarian banks in state courts and arbitrations relating to damages arising from speculative investments;
- representing several hundred shareholders at the European Court of Human Rights;
- representing an African bank in a constitutional complaint procedure in front of the Constitutional Court;
- representing a Hungarian bank in a litigation relating to the drawdown of a bank guarantee;
- representing a municipality in an expropriation procedure started by the Hungarian state;
- representing international carriers and insurer in disputes relating to contracts of carriage;
- representing financial institutions in appeals filed against decisions of the Hungarian National Bank